Saturday, October 8, 2011

Flower Show Begins At Kadri Park

Mangalore: It's that time of year when many thousands Kadri Park in Mangalore for an overview of some of the finest and most delicate flower of creation gods

And if there is one place you have to visit this week, it is the flower show organised by the Horticulture department in association with the Dakshina Kannada Zilla Panchayat, District Administration, Mangalore City Corporation and Siri, at Kadri Park between January 25 and 28.

Some flowers and flowering plants included in the exhibition include Hibiscus, Vinaka show the cabbage, "Daflaks", "Tecoma gold", "Tecoma Purple 'Tea',''Adenium", "Vfebriya" "Bigonia" the different colors of roses, Euphorbia Crysanthimum "comb" roosters "," Casimiro,'', Genia, anthorium "Dahlias", "Spingeri", "Canna", "Nerivam" (kanagile) show cold 'Plumbago' Petonia and different colors of marigold nursery, croton varieties. Many have been set up and have a lot of varieties of plants for sale. Here you can find trees of flowering plants, herbs, fruit trees, ornamental plants and bonsai at good prices.

There are various stands in the place that sells everything from herbs to food to garden tools. As for gardening enthusiasts, there is much to expect from organic fertilizer, wormicompost, different types of garden tools are just a few of the many items sold on the site. Apart from that there is a garden that boasts exclusive selection of different vegetables in different shapes and sizes. A garden was created to prove that vegetables such as tomatoes, custody, custody cute, pumpkin, bitter guard, eggplant, ladies finger, can cooler is also grown in pots and in small spaces.

The mass flower arrangement offers a wide selection of roses, Crysanthimums, Jerberas Flower Show is the largest attraction, if not dry in the heat for three days.

There is stagnation in agricultural machinery for the sale of the mechanical harvester driven mill organic waste, weeds Improvement / lawn mower, trees, climbing coconut equipment

There is a huge pit stall selling vegetables that sell the products happala ext, pickles, agarbathi, juice, liquid soap, phenyl, dresses, stuffed animals, etc.

There is an admission fee of Rs 3 for students and Rs 5 for children and Rs 10 for adults. The exhibition will be open to the public at 20:00 to 8:00 every three days.

There are several contests for the public in the garden, bonsai, dried flower arranging, flower arranging, rangoli, flower arrangement and vegetable carving, collecting flowers for pooja etc

There are several booths at places that sell everything from herbal products for the food to garden tools. As for gardening enthusiasts, there is much to expect from organic fertilizers, wormicompost, different types of garden tools are just some of the many items that are sold on the site. Apart from that there is a unique garden that boasts of different varieties of vegetables, of different shapes and sizes. An orchard was established to prove that vegetables such as tomatoes, custody, custody of sweet pumpkin, bitter guard, brinjal, ladies finger, the cold can be grown in pots and even in small spaces.

There are a variety of stalls on the scene, selling everything from herbal remedies to get food for the Garden. What is a green thumb eager to organic fertilizers, wormicompost, a variety of garden tools are just some of the many items for sale on the premises. In addition, a unique garden which boasts a variety of different vegetables in different shapes and sizes. Garden was established to demonstrate vegetables such as tomatoes, guard, keeper of a cake, pumpkin, bitter guard, eggplant, ladies fingers, cold can be grown in pots, even in small spaces.

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